A Culture of Workplace Safety and Innovation
According to Paula Moore, in an article in the Engineering News Record, “Savvy contractors have significantly cut jobsite injuries in the past few decades by transforming safety practices into a science. Recent innovations include using more statistics as well as the latest technology”. Companies can retrieve statistical data from OSHA and the Construction Industry Institute or they can choose to compile their own. By having this data that tracks recordable injuries, medical treatments and lost-time cases, companies can analyze the data to prevent future injuries. Companies are also decreasing their incidence ratings for nonfatal injuries and illnesses in American construction by using these statistics.
In the past, contractors relied on “lagging indicators” such as Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) and Experience Modification Rate (EMR) which measure historical safety performance. But since these indicators aren’t as useful for prevention, companies are choosing to be more proactive by studying workers’ behavior and investigating jobsite conditions before incidents occur. Other strategies include pre-planning, targeting high-risk activities and performing job-safety analysis. Along with those strategies, new technology is also playing a role in reducing jobsite injuries. Perhaps most importantly, regardless of which strategy they use, companies are investigating the causes and making changes to prevent incidents from happening in the future.
These new prevention methods we’re seeing from construction companies are showing us that the culture of safety doesn’t happen by chance; companies have to make every effort to create safe work environments for their employees in advance and not wait until injuries have already occurred to make a change. At A&K Painting Company, we work to maintain a culture of safety that keeps the well-being, health and safety of our team members top priority. We’re blessed with and actively work to maintain our excellent safety record.
We set the standard for safety through careful monitoring and active safety management. A&K Painting Company continues to be the safety leader you can rely on. Learn more about our Culture of Safety.